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FULL NAME: Fred Barker




PARENTS: George Barker & Arizona Clark


DIED: January 16,1935 during a shoot-out with the FBI





1926: Fred is arrested for burglary in Winfield,Kansas (he's given a 5 - 10 year sentence)


March 12,1927: Fred is received at Kansas State Prison in Lansing,Kansas (he meets Alvin here)


March 30,1931: Fred is released from Kansas State Prison


June 10,1931: Fred and Alvin are arrested for attempted burglary in Tulsa,Oklahoma (Fred escapes while awaiting trial,while Alvin avoids a prison sentence)


November 8,1931: Fred shoots and kills a Police Chief Manley Jackson in Arkansas


December 19,1931: Fred and Alvin rob a store in West Plains,Missouri


June 17,1932: Fred,Alvin and five others rob a Fort Scott bank in Kansas


July 7,1932: Fred,Alvin and the gang rob Cloud County bank in Concordia,Kansas


September 30,1932: Fred,Doc and Alvin help out old friend Lawrence DeVol by robbing the Citizen's National Bank in Wahpeton,North Dakota


December 16,1932: Fred,Doc and Alvin along with the gang rob Third Northwestern National Bank in Minneapolis,Minnesota [two policemen are killed,Fred kills a civilian that was believed to be taking down the gang's license plate number]


April 4,1933: Fred,Doc and Alvin with the gang rob a bank in Fairbury,Nebraska


March,1933: Fred and Alvin have their fingerprints removed by underworld doctor,Joseph Moran [and a failed facial surgery]


August 30,1933: Fred,Alvin and the gang rob a payroll on its way to Stockyards National Bank in St.Paul,Minnesota [two policemen are killed]


January 16,1935: Fred and Ma are killed at Lake Weir,Florida after a numerous-hour shootout with FBI agents


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